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Maintaining the sterility and cleanliness of medical instruments and equipment is the responsibility of sterile processing technicians, who work in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. They are in charge of sterilizing everything from surgical instruments to scalpels, but this task can become challenging when you consider that various procedures may call for various sterilization techniques. A sterile processing technician can help with that because they are skilled in handling various types of medical equipment and keeping it clean to prevent harm to patients or staff.

The first step in training to become a sterile processing technician is to enroll in a sterility course. This will make it easier for you to appreciate how crucial it is to maintain a sanitary environment.

Once you have completed your coursework and passed the exam, get certified as an STP (Sterile Processing Technician). You can find out more about this at

After getting certified, apply for jobs as an STP at hospitals or other health care facilities where there are high volume needs for sterile equipment processing services.

A training course is the first step to becoming a STP technician. The length will vary depending on your employer, but they are typically between 4 and 12 weeks long. A good place to look for information about these courses is at your local community college or vocational school, as well as online resources like YouTube videos from other STPs who have experience teaching others how to do their job

The third step is to get your certificate. If you want to be a sterile processing technician, then you need to take a course and pass an exam. This will show employers that you are qualified for the job and can perform the tasks required of them.

When choosing where to get certified, it's important that they have high standards for what they teach their students so that they know what they're doing when going into this field. You also want them to have good reviews from other people who have taken classes there before so that way when people look at those reviews on sites like Yelp or Google Reviews etc., then those reviews will reflect positively on how good the school actually is (or isn't).

Once you've completed the training and have been approved to take the exam, you can schedule it at any time. The cost of taking the exam is $150.

You must pass all parts of your certification within 3 attempts or else you will have to start over again with your training and testing process. If this happens, make sure that your employer will allow for another training period before re-testing again (and vice versa).

If someone fails one part of their certification but passes another part within 3 attempts, they must retake both parts within 6 months from when they passed one part or else face disqualification from working as a STP Technician in any capacity until such time as all parts are passed successfully (this includes retaking only failed portions).

The last step is to get certified as a Sterile Processing Technician. There are many ways you can do this, but one of the best ways is through your local community college or vocational school. The certification programs offered by these schools are usually very affordable, and they provide the knowledge you need to pass the exam required by most employers in order to become employed as an Spt technician.

If you want to become a Sterile Processing Technician, it's important to get certified. The certification process will help you learn about all aspects of the job before starting work as one. This way, when you do begin working on a team with other STP techs or supervisors, they won't need spend so much time training someone new!

For more tips on the spt certification program, visit our website at